
Deccan Terrain Consulting | Procurement | Execution

  • Lime Brick Walls
  • Lime Granite Walls
  • Lime Plaster
  • Lime Ceh Baara
  • Lime Paints
  • Lime Grout / Pointing

Lime Works

Ancient Lime Recipes

Deccan Terrain is spear-headed by highly skilled, experienced, motivated. A dedicated member of our team works with you to empower resources and search for the most suitable solution matching your critical need, we strive to improve our services and processes by every project we acquire..

Heritage architectural & cultural property conservation projects in India are managed by dedicated procurement teams, who cherry pick best of the possible solution, that are tested, certified and adheres to ICOM testing Standards, at competitive prices. Deccan Terrain has Management Teams, Specialized & trained resources who deliver errorless project execution, anywhere in India.

  • Flooring
  • Wall
  • Ceiling
  • Wall
  • Facade

Stone & Tile

Old Style Floors

Extensive amount of stone work required for any heritage restoration, our stone craftsmen and engineers understand stone structures well, offer brick by brick solution to intricate stone work restoration issues.

Our team has exposure to handle large size stone blocks works in Castles, Domes, Bridges, Arches and Stepwells.

  • Furniture
  • Fixture
  • Railing
  • Staircase
  • Flooring
  • Ceiling
  • Pergola
  • Jharoka
  • Louver Door and Windows


Hand Made Wood Works

Joinery is one of the oldest crafts of civilization, wood work and general carpentry has evolved by leaps and bounds. complimentary products of wood craft such as hooks, nails, hinges, fastners, locking systems have changed dramatically.

Reviving heritage structures means working with wood, be it wooden columns and beam structures, doors and windows, balconies, jharoka and portico, wood works plays vital role in new age construction and in heritage restorations.

Deccan Terrain over the years have learnt old joinery crafts, that are essential and integral part of any restoration works.

  • Wrought Iron
  • Mild Steel
  • Aluminium


Metal Craft

Metal works is toughman's job !, Our iron works teams have been working since ages with metal fixture and furniture making and restorations.

We still use blacksmiths and metal craftsmen for fabrication and repairs of old Mild Steel and Wrought Iron furniture, grills, gates, columns, lamp posts, balusters and bollards.

Wrought Grills, Gates, Fountains & Lamps are back in high demand.

  • Gates
  • Benches
  • Chairs
  • Tables
  • Door
  • Window
  • Railing

Wood & Metal

Furniture and Fixtures

Foundry & Joinery are oldest combination of construction, right from armoury to house hold, metal and wood helped imaginations take shape for centuries.

We create and also restore, combination of Wood and Iron furniture, fixtures, railings, balconies etc, that are unique and popular with Heritage Architects and old fashion homes enthusiasts, villas and farm house owners.

Heritage lovers swarm our restoration places and admire our quality and restoration detailing. Our combination of Wood and Iron furniture and fixtures are popular with Heritage architects and old fashion homes enthusiasts.

  • Stucco
  • Ek Baara
  • Do-Baara
  • Ceh-Baara Finishes
  • Natural Lime Paint
  • Antique Finishes

Finishes and Paints

Lime Plasters and Paints

Working with lime finishes is a soul satisfying job, our teams have reached medium level of mastery in creating lime walls, lime coats of Ek Baara, Do Baara & Ceh Baara and Lime paints.

We call it medium having reached so far, after many years of exposure we realized lime works is a practise, an art for a passionate lime enthusiasts’.

We also have skills of stucco, earthen plasters, milk paints and oxidized coats.