Consulting – Heritage Restoration

Heritage Consulting, Restoration and Execution...

  • Architecture
  • Structures
  • Layout & Measurements
  • Damage Assesment
  • Mapping
  • Lidar Scanning
  • Testing & Certification

Consulting - Heritage Restoration

Heritage Restoration & Conservation Services

Heritage Restoration& Conservation Services
Restoration as traditionally practiced, focuses its efforts upon returning an object or work of art or a heritage site to the its original state, an assumed condition, or an earlier appearance.
In order to obtain these states, conditions, or appearances, often little regard is given to the historic “in-use” alterations and/or changes caused by the passage of time. In other words, restoring an object to its original state often erases the physical historic markers of an object's use by significantly altering physical evidence and original materials. Specifically working with Heritage sites such as Buildings, Monuments, Clock Towers, Domes & Arches.

Heritage Building Restoration Consulting

Architecture& Structure - Scanning, Screening, Measurements &Damage Assessment of Heritage properties. Consultancy services for preservation and conservation requirements of heritage sites, museums, archives, private and government properties. Consultancy for research and formulation of cultural policy, museum policy, conservation policy etc. Preventive conservation work for heritage structures / objects / art. Art Conservation – Consulting and Execution