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Planning restoration or a conservation of your heritage property ?
Take an expert’s advice and make a detailed project report before start restoration.
Our panellists and subject matter experts in Heritage Restoration such as, Structural Assessment, Architecture, Photogrammetry, Documentation, Mapping, Lidar Scanning etcetera would love to hear from you & assist you in taking a right decision.
Our Joinery and Foundry divisions have specialized wood carpenters and blacksmiths who have hands on repair and replication experience.
We Study, Plan, Procure and Execute projects step by step, we can assist you in building milestones & executing them.


Detailed Documentation of the site

Project Basis

Mapping & Measurements

Condition Mapping & Measurements

Project Basis

Architecture & Design

Architectural Intervention, Recording

Project Basis

Damage Assesment

Structural & Architectural Assessment

Project Basis

Lidar Scanning & Photogrammetry

Digital Scanning, Serial Photography for records and reference

Project Basis

Material Characterisation

Lime and other material testing and definitions

Project Basis


To be best in class heritage restorations company, learn old practices of material production and modern techniques of application,


Our mission is to reach the highest standards of ethical heritage restorations & add value to heritage restoration & conservation community


We pledge to follow best codes and practices of heritage restoration, we strive to provide better quality and smart solutions to tougher restoration problems.

Heritage Genetics

A Product of Deccan Terrain Heritage

We are passionate about the products and services we offer, heritage restoration is in our genes, hence our lime based products are Trade Mark registered as “Heritage Genetics™ ”.

Quality of workmanship majorly depends on the quality of raw material, we don’t rely on third party supplies and make our own time tested lime mortar, right from cherry picking best quality raw material to supervised fermentation, time lapse calculations & Slaking etcetera.

Our traditional styled manufacturing helps us maintain quality, owing to which our products has longer life and exceptional effectiveness.

Ek Baara
10kg / 25kg
Do Baara
10kg / 25kg
Ceh Baara
10kg / 25kg
Lime Paint
20 Ltr

Ancient Lime Recipes

Lime Mortar

Lime mortars are among the oldest type of building materials; their use is attested with various receipts through countries involving the use and the exploitation of different raw materials. In India organic additives such as plant and animal extracts are attested in ancient receipts credibly added to improve their technical performances. In fact, this technological expertise has been transmitted thanks to oral tradition and is nowadays partially still used; herbs, fruits and natural extracts were mixed in water, fermented for few days and the fermented organics along with water were added to the mortar mixture. Nevertheless, the role of organics in improving material properties is still not completely understood; preliminary studies revealed that the interaction of carbohydrate, protein and fat in organics with lime matrix determines a forced carbonation and the precipitation of newly phases (carbonate polymorphs and oxalates), resulting in enhanced mechanical and physical properties. Several factors as type of organics, lime/additive ratio, organic lime/aggregate ratio, curing time and fermentation times seems to critically influence the final properties.

Lime Crete
Ek Baara
Do Baara
Ceh Baara

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